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Client experience | Kym Kerr

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By startdig Capital Partners News

This testimonial is about a busy person who took the time to sort this out and the sense of peace that they now have.

This is Kym’s experience:

“The catalyst for me contacting Chris was the purchase of my house, in my dream suburb, obtaining a whopping mortgage yet wanting to maintain a lifestyle. I’m not someone who aimed to pay off the mortgage quickly because I wanted to continue to buy nice clothes, go to restaurants yet needed to have something in place to know that if something went wrong, I would still be okay. Now that it’s done, I don’t have to worry about it at all, I can just enjoy my life.

In my line of work, I head up a family law team, I see all sorts of things happen in people’s lives. I am privileged to see what happens in others’ lives, but I have seen the worst that can happen, and I get a great deal of comfort from knowing that, that’s just been dealt with. From what I see, no one’s lives go to plan, whether it’s for better or worse.

So, dealing with those extraneous matters of personal insurances so that you can just focus on the life that you want to have instead of worrying about things that might happen in the future that you have no control of, gives you great security and peace of mind”.

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