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The case against making ‘more money’ your ultimate goal

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By David Andrew Wealth Planning

This week, I found myself reflecting on a conversation I had with a friend about the idea of “enough.” It got me thinking about how the pursuit of more money often overshadows what truly matters.

What does “enough” mean to you?

How you manage the money coming in can shape both your present lifestyle and the legacy you leave for the future.

It’s not a flashy topic, but it’s essential for long-term financial stability.

As life progresses, your cashflow needs and challenges will naturally evolve.

In the early stages of your career, the focus is often on covering the essentials—those daily “needs.”

But as your career advances, the desire for “wants” begins to emerge. These wants can push you to question what truly brings happiness and fulfillment.

Navigating this balance is a lifelong journey, and the choices you make will significantly impact your financial future.

But what truly brings you joy, and how will these decisions affect your future self?

Understanding lifestyle inflation

The urge to constantly upgrade our lifestyle is deeply ingrained in us.

This drive for more has fuelled progress and innovation throughout history, but in today’s world, where many of us have already met our basic needs, this instinct can lead to unnecessary complications.

I’ve seen families get caught in the trap of lifestyle inflation, where each increase in income leads to a proportional increase in spending.

This cycle often leaves them with little to show for their efforts in the long run—a realisation that can come with regret when it’s too late to make a change.

Conversely, we’ve also worked with clients who have consciously avoided the pull of material excess.

These families have crafted a life philosophy that prioritises their core values and what truly matters to them.

A new approach to spending

Interestingly, many of our clients have shifted their focus from accumulating more stuff to creating meaningful experiences with loved ones.

However, every financial decision comes with trade-offs.

For some, the decision to indulge today means sacrificing their financial security tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the impact of these decisions often becomes clear only when it’s too late to alter course.

Redefining priorities | today vs. tomorrow

We all face the opportunity to redefine our pursuit of “more” and instead focus on what is truly “enough.”

We recognise that “enough” is different for everyone—it’s a deeply personal concept.

Yet, for many of us, achieving “enough” still means living a life far richer and fuller than what previous generations could have imagined.

We encourage you to gain clarity on what truly matters to you, bringing more intentionality to your spending and investment choices.

Not every expense is unnecessary, and some are worth the cost.

What might be a “want” for one person could be a “need” for another.

While you are the architect of your own life, we’re here as financial life managers to guide you in making the trade-offs that will lead to a fulfilling and financially secure future.

Our purpose is to help families shift from the endless pursuit of more to a contentment with enough, ensuring their tomorrow is as bright as today.

The comprehensive planning we provide is designed to equip you with the tools you need to achieve this balance.

We’d love to have a conversation about how we can support you on your journey to finding your own version of “enough.”

The information provided on this site is of a general nature only and may not be relevant to your particular circumstances. The circumstances of each investor are different and you should seek advice from a financial planner who can consider if these strategies and products are right for you.

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